Program Level:
Creative & Communication Arts
What is the Journalism program?The college has a 95-year tradition of award-winning student publications and cultivating talent in journalism and photojournalism, collectively known as mass communications. But this is not your grandfather’s journalism! Students in the program are multi-media specialists, with training in writing, interviewing, photography, videography, audio recording, editing, and effective use of social media.
- Multi-Media Journalism Classes
- Photography Emphasis Classes
- Broadcast Journalism Emphasis Classes
- Journalism Emphasis Classes
Students learn to report, write, edit and photograph for electronic and digital media.
Take this class your first semester. COMM 1307 Introduction to Mass Communication CORE (80). The study of the media by which entertainment and information messages are delivered.
Second Semester. COMM 2311 Media Writing. Writing and published for SAC Student Media Online. Fundamentals of writing for mass media. Includes techniques for gathering, processing and delivering content.
COMM 1316 News Photo 1. Work published on SAC Student Media Online Photography and information-gathering for publications with emphasis on shooting, editing and using on-camera flash.
COMM 1336 Video Production Work published on SAC Student Media Online. • No prerequisites. Practical experience in the operation of television studio and control room equipment, including both pre- and post-production needs.
COMM 1318 Photography 1. No prerequisites. Camera provided. Learn about composition and lighting. Variety of assignments: Scenic, action, portraiture, fine art and more.
COMM 2303 Audio Production. Intro to non-linear editing. Practical experience in the control room equipment, including both pre- and post-production needs.
COMM 2331 Radio/Television Announcing. Delevery of pronunciation. Practical experience.
Students learn skills in digital photography for professional applications and hobbies. Take these classes
TAKE THIS CLASS YOUR FIRST SEMESTER! COMM 1307 Introduction to Mass Communication CORE (80) The study of the media by which entertainment and information messages are delivered.
COMM 1316 News Photo 1 Work published on SAC Student Media Online. Photography and information-gathering for publications with emphasis on shooting, editing and using on-camera flash.
COMM 1318 Photography 1 No prerequisites. Camera provided. Learn about composition and lighting. Variety of assignments: Scenic, action, portraiture, fine art and more.
COMM 1336 Video Production 1 Work published on SAC Student Media Online. • No prerequisites. Practical experience in the operation of television studio and control room equipment, including both pre- and post-production needs.
COMM 2324 Practicum in Electronic Media This course focuses on development of Photoshop skills and ethics to be used in photography, photo restoration and publications.
Students learn to report, write and photograph for electronic and digital media.
TAKE THIS CLASS YOUR FIRST SEMESTER! COMM 1307 Introduction to Mass Communication CORE (80) The study of the media by which entertainment and information messages are delivered.
COMM 1336 Video Production 1. Work published on SAC Student Media Online. • No prerequisites. Practical experience in the operation of television studio and control room equipment, including both pre- and post-production needs.
COMM 2331 Radio/Television Announcing. Principles of announcing: study of voice, diction, pronunciation, and delivery. Experience in various types of announcing. Study of phonetics is recommended.
COMM 2332 Radio/Television News. Work published on SAC Student Media Online Preparation and analysis of news styles for the electronic media. Production of audio and video news stories.
COMM 2339 Writing for Radio, TV, Film. Introduction to formats and techniques for writing commercials, public service announcements, promotions and news.
COMM 1335 Introduction to Electronic Media. An overview of the development, regulation, economics, social impact and industry practices in electronic media.
COMM 2300 Media Literacy. Criticism and analysis of role and responsibility of mass media in modern society from the consumer perspective. Includes ethical problems facing each media format.
Students learn how to report, write, edit and photograph for all types of media.
TAKE THIS CLASS YOUR FIRST SEMESTER. COMM 1307 Introduction to Mass Communication CORE (80). The study of the media by which entertainment and information messages are delivered.
TAKE THIS CLASS YOUR SECOND SEMESTER! COMM 2311 Media Writing. Writing and published for SAC Student Media Online. Fundamentals of writing for mass media. Includes techniques for gathering, processing and delivering content.
COMM 1316 News Photo 1. You will be photographing SAC Student Media Online Photography and information gathering for publications with emphasis on shooting, editing and using on-camera flash.
COMM 2305 Editing and Layout. You will be writing and editing for SAC Student Media Online. Copy editing and layout processes with emphasis on accuracy and fairness. Includes the principles of design.
COMM 2300 Media Literacy. Criticism and analysis of role and responsibility of mass media in modern society from the consumer perspective. Includes ethical problems facing each media format.
COMM 2339 Writing for Radio, TV, Film. Introduction to formats and techniques for writing commercials, public service announcements, promotions and news.
Contact Us
Dr. Jonathan Lee |
James Borrego |
Connie Cobbs |